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Immigration Visa Services


New Zealand Student Visa


New Zealand is a modern nation that values independence, initiative, and resourcefulness over status or regulations. As a student here, you'll be encouraged to be inquisitive, adaptable, and to develop your own solutions through independent thinking.

Planning Your Application

Before beginning your application, you need to plan your studies, determine how you will support yourself in New Zealand, and gather the necessary documents for your application.

Preparing for Study and Travel

To be eligible for a student visa, you will need to:

- Be accepted into a course at an educational institution approved by the Ministry of Education or the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA).

- Have the funds for your tuition fees or proof of a scholarship covering these fees.

- Provide evidence of sufficient funds to support yourself during your stay in New Zealand.

- Have a return ticket or proof of sufficient funds to purchase one.

Efficient Processing

With Border Link, your applications and procedures are handled swiftly.

Prompt Responses

Get your questions answered promptly to avoid delays and confusion.

Comprehensive Support

If you encounter any issues, we provide 24/7 comprehensive support.

Helpful Insights

Selecting a Course

Identify a program or qualification that fits your needs.

Finding a Course

Locate primary, intermediate, and secondary schools that accept international students.

Finding an Institution or School

If you're applying for a Pathway Student Visa, you must enroll with a Pathway Education Provider.

Pathway Education Providers

Managing Living Expenses

To support yourself while studying in New Zealand, you need to show one of the following:

- NZD$15,000 for your first year of study.

- NZD$1250 per month if your program is less than 36 months.

- A scholarship, such as a New Zealand Aid Programme scholarship.

- A sponsor or family member who agrees to take financial responsibility for you during your stay.

Cost of Living
